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Scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals:

Bellec, V.K., M.F.J. Dolan, R. Bøe, T. Thorsnes, L. Rise, L. Buhl-Mortensen, P. Buhl-Mortensen 2009. Sediment distribution and seabed processes in the Troms II area - offshore North Norway. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 2009 Vol. 89, Nr. 1 & 2, side 29-40.

Boitsov, S., H.K.B. Jensen, & Klungsøyr, J. 2009. Geographical variations in hydrocarbon levels in sediments from the Western Barents Sea. Norwegian Journal of Geology, Vol. 89, side. 91-100, Trondheim 2009. ISSN 029-196X.

Boitsov, S., H.K.B. Jensen, & J. Klungsøyr 2009. Natural background and anthropogenic inputs of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in sediments of South-Western Barents Sea. Marine Environtal Research, Vol. 68, Nr. 5, side 236-245.

Buhl-Mortensen, P., L. Buhl-Mortensen, M. Dolan, J. Dannheim & K. Kröger  2009. Megafaunal diversity associated with marine landscapes of northern Norway: a preliminary assessment. Norwegian Journal of Geology, Vol. 89, Nr. 1 & 2, side 163-171.

Buhl-Mortensen, P., M. Dolan & L. Buhl-Mortensen 2009. Prediction of benthic biotopes on a Norwegian offshore bank using a combination of multivariate analysis and GIS classification.  ICES journal of Marine Science 2009; doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsp200

Bøe, R., Bellec, V.K., Dolan, M.F.J., Buhl-Mortensen, P.B., Buhl-Mortensen, L. & Rise, L. 2009. Giant sand waves in the Hola glacial trough off Vesterålen, North Norway. Marine Geology 267, 36-54.

Dolan, M.F.J., P. Buhl-Mortensen, T. Thorsnes, L. Buhl-Mortensen, V.K. Bellec & R. Bøe 2009. Developing seabed nature-type maps offshore Norway: initial results from the MAREANO programme.  Norwegian Journal of Geology, 2009 Vol. 89, Nr. 1 & 2, side 17-28.

Jensen, H.K.B., S. Boitsov, T. E. Finne, J. Klungsøyr & J. Knies 2009. Physical and chemical traces of anthropogenic influence at the seabed and in the sediments in Ingøydjupet, Southern Barents Sea. Norwegian Journal of Geology, 2009 Vol. 89, Nr. 1 & 2, side 101-108.

Thorsnes, T., L. Erikstad, M.F.J. Dolan, V.K. Bellec 2009. Submarine landscapes along the Lofoten-Vesterålen-Senja margin, northern Norway.  Norwegian Journal of Geology, 2009 Vol. 89, Nr. 1 & 2, side 5-16.