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The 2013 activities were greatly influenced by planned deliveries to the upgrading of the Management plan for the Norwegian Sea. The deliveries, including biotope maps, were based on video-data that was given priority during the field-sampling in 2012, resulting in increased priority relative to physical field sampling in 2013. The video-based deliveries were made in September 2013.

The following areas were mapped through video and physical sampling in 2013 (see figure below for the 2012-activities):

  • Iverryggen
  • Sularevet
  • Eggakant Storegga nord
  • Ytre Mørebank
  • Stadhavet (Mørebankene)
  • Kristiansund – Halten
  • Eggakanten (Skjoldryggen)
  • Aktivneset (sør for Mørebankene)
  • Barentshavet, tidligere omstridt område, sørlig del

Apart from the earlier disputed area in the Barents Sea all these areas are located in the Norwegian Sea. In the Norwegian Sea physical sampling (not including video) was carried out over an area of 10 025 km2 while both physical and video sampling took place over an area of 6 900 km2 (eggakant/slope at Skjoldryggen, Aktivneset). In the Baretns Sea 12 000 km2 was sampled in the southern part of the earlier disputed area close to the Norwegian/Russian border.

Additionally, and due to good weather conditions, sampling was also undertaken from the continental slope in the outer part of Mørebanken ("Ytre Mørebank"), off the coastal Vikna area, and off the coast of Finnmark, the northernmost Norwegian county.

The following areas were in 2013 mapped bathymetrically in the Norwegian Sea (see figure below for 2012):

  • Remaining parts of the Eggakant (slope) Ytre Mørebank and Ytre Mørebank
  • EK Storneset
  • EK Aktivneset
  • Sklinnadjupet transect
  • Vestfjorden ytre
  • Haltenbanken
  • Sklinnabanken

In addition, an area of 28 544 km2 was bathymetrically mapped in the earlier disputed area within the Barents Sea.

In total 46 stations were sampled physically, of these 34 stations in the Norwegian Sea and 12 in the Barents Sea while video-data was sampled at 142 stations of which 69 from the Norwegian Sea and 73 in the Barents Sea.

The station density in the Norwegian Sea followed the MAREANO standard, including 10 video stations and 2 physical sampling stations per 1 000 km2. One chemical sampling station was established per 2 000 km2. However, in the earlier disputed area in the Barents Sea, the station density was reduced to 50 % of the MAREANO standard due to homogenous bottom conditions and relatively even depths.